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BARCELONA, 2019-21

The company The Feliuettes, for whom I wrote their first show (The Feliuettes, 2016-17, El Maldà + tour), created a new musical. Directed by Míriam Escurriola, it features short pieces by Mireia Giró, Clàudia Cedó and Cristina Clemente, as well as my own. The original music is by Arnau Tordera, Clara Peya, Ariadna Cabiró and Gerard Sesé. The play ran in El Maldà in 2019 and then had a tour. It came back to El Maldà in 2021, selling all the tickets again, and it's on tour agin. This time, the show has the Spanish version in addition to the Catalan one.  

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